Monday, July 18, 2011

Hands and Feet

I saw my son grieving himself to tears as he tries to help a friend overcome a vicious drug addiction.  His friend is going through withdrawals right now.  It's not pretty.  We took some groceries to his friend and my son is staying with him now to help him through this very difficult time.

That's a scary thing for me to witness.  On the one hand I wish my son had no contact with such things.  As a dear friend said, "I wish there was only one hand" sometimes. 

But on the other hand, my son said, "I can't NOT try to help, Dad.  I've been raised that way.  I've seen you do it all my life."

And then this question:  "What can I do?"

Of course my counsel, as best as I'm able, comes from Christ and what little I've learned in my short time volunteering at the mission.  I suggest Jesus and rehab. 

But right now the friend is not interested in Jesus...

Lord help me to help my son to help his friend.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Reach Every Addict with Christ's Help (REACH).

Last week one of the guys in our reach counseling meeting let it slip that his wife could sing.  So this week a couple of us brought our guitars and we had a little jam session after the meeting.

She was embarrassed and almost too nervous to do it.  But this incredible young woman sang for us.  

omigoodness !!!!!  She was soooooo good. 

She and her husband had already melted our hearts with a humble, loving, sincere thankfulness for their deliverence from the deadly grip of drug addiction.  What a lovely couple!  What an incredible testimony to Christ for His deliverence, healing, and restoring power in their lives !!!!!

And now we find out she is a gifted singer, too.

omigoodness !!!!!  (I know.  I already said that.)

Thank You, Jesus, for blessing us with this lovely couple.  Thank You, Jesus for the work of healing and restoration You are doing in their lives !!!! 


Friday, July 01, 2011

A Word Spoken in Due Season, How Good Is It !!!! Prov. 15:23

I saw an old friend at the funeral home last night.  I'm sure she had no idea this was going to happen, neither did I.  But she spoke the Word of God to me - exactly the words I needed at this moment in my life.

Hallelujah to the Lord on High !!!!

I can barely remember a couple of specific things she said.  But I was washed with comfort and healing by the Holy Ghost as she spoke blessings and confidence to me directly from scripture.

Thank you, Diane Williams. 

Thank You, Jesus, for speaking to my heart yet again.  You are an incredible God, a Holy Lord, a Loving Master.  You are healing.  You are restoration.  You are goodness.  You are comfort.  You are my God.