Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Can the bar be placed ANY lower?

Alan Comes defends Nancy Pelosi for considering appointing impeached and convicted former judge Alcee Hastings to the chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee. I say "former" judge because a House controlled by Democrats impeached Hastings and a Senate controlled by Democrats convicted Hastings and removed him from the bench.

Nancy Pelosi actually voted in favor of impeaching this man!

Why does Colmes think Hastings is a fine and dandy choice to chair the House Intelligence Committee?

Because he isn't an actual convicted "felon"!

Can you believe that, folks?!?!? Can it possibly get any better than this?

Note Gingrich's humerous disbelief at such an argument.

Christianity in America just as dangerous as Radical Islam

Rosie O'Donnell, in all her wisdom, says that radical Christianity in America is just as threatening as radical Islam.

Is that so, Rosie? (Cheesy Music Warning)

Do liberals have even a clue as to what they are saying?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Does Democratic victory equal American Defeat in Iraq?

Absolutely not!

Conservatives and Republicans worry that, with all the pre-election rhetoric from Democrats regarding the war in Iraq, the will of the American people has been worn down to the point that we, as a nation, are ready to surrender to Islamic Fascists in Iraq. I agree the Democrats and the media (that's redundant, I know) have relentlessly and, sadly, effectively attacked America's actions in Iraq to the point that the public is weary with it all.

Liberals and Democrats, with their recent hard-faught electoral victories, now feel emboldened to enact the rhetoric they've been spewing over the past few years. That's understandable. They made their argument to the public and the public put them in office.

Islamic Fascists rejoice as they see the very propoganda they've been spreading since long before 9/11/2001 officially adopted by a major political party in the U.S. and used as a vehicle to give that party control of both houses of the United States Congress.

I think, however, that all three of these groups are fundamentally misunderstanding the way things work in the United States of America. You see, the 2006 elections - won decisively by the Democrats - is not a mandate for surrender in Iraq.

America couldn't possibly have given the Democrats a mandate to enact their plans because the Democrats have never offered a plan. All they've been doing is complaining about the implementation of the existing plan - along with some seriously scurrilous accusations about the Bush Administration and the United States Military.

Rather, the 2006 election is the American people's way of saying, "OK, Democrats. You've been shouting at us for three years now about how things are going in Iraq. We see clearly that building a new nation in the Middle East is not the same cake walk as overthrowing a murderous despot in the Middle East. You say you can do it better. Let's see what you've got."

Now the Democrats have to put up or shut up. What the despairing Republicans, emboldend Democrats, and euphoric Islamic Fascists are overlooking is that now the Democrats, armed with little more than well-worn terrorist propoganda, have to actually put their plans before the members of Congress and the public and have them thoroughly examined.

They are no longer the back seat drivers complaining that we just missed a turn. They've now been put into the front seat and given the map - Bush is still the Commander in Chief, thank God! Now the Democrats have to tell us the direction they think we should be driving. That, my friends, is a much more difficult task.

This is where, in my opinion, the Democrats' plans begin to fail. The American public has simply said the Democrats can no longer be dismissed on the issue of the war in Iraq. They've been given the right to be heard. What they say now will determine for decades to come whether or not Americans will entrust them with the awesome responsibility of our national security.

I'm an optomist. I am confident that, given a full airing of opposing views, America will quickly discard the lunacy coming from many in the Democratic Party. Let the debate begin in earnest. Before too long I think the Democrats will be publicly humiliated for their behavior over the past three years. The Islamic Fascists will once again be stunned by their total misreading of Amercian resolve, though sadly, I can't say I blame them for having questioned it.

Check out this article by Donald Lambro. Apparently some of the strongest arguments the Democrats have been making are already beginning to crumble.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I don't know what he's saying ...

... But whatever it is, it's a lie!

That's basically the argument Senator Harry Reid is making regarding the idea that Jack Abramoff is implicating the Senator from Nevada in the far-reaching lobbying scandal being investigated in Washington these days. (HT: Irish Pennants)

How silly and predictable.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Another Surprise!

Hezbollah has been re-arming itself in preparation for more attacks against Israel - right under the noses of the International Peacekeeping Force assigned the singular task fo not allowing this to happen!

Again, whosaw this coming?

Suprise! The Iranians have plutonium!

Who would've guessed that the Iranians have been developing plutonium and enriching uranium - materials that could be used for nuclear weapons?

Did anybody see that coming?

It looks like it won't be Michael Steele

This is sad. (HT: Carol Platt Liebau) I was looking forward to what Michael Steele might bring to the Republican Party.

I don't know anything about Senator Martinez, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. My initial concern is that he will not be a full-time party chairman. It appears he's going to keep his Senator's seat and be the Republican Party Chairman at the same time.

I wonder about that ...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I know she's devisive, but ...

... you gotta love Ann Coulter!

"Democrats support surrender in Iraq, higher taxes and the impeachment of President Bush. They just won an election by pretending to be against all three. "

Oh, and then there's this little gem:

"The Democrats certainly have their work cut out for them. They have only two years to release as many terrorists as possible and lock up as many Republicans as they can."

I don't care who you are, that's funny!

This could be cool

Michael Steele may run for the Republican National Committee Chairmanship. (HT: Irish Pennants)

Quote of the Day

Here's a great "interview" from A Large Regular (HT: Hugh Hewitt).

Money quote regarding the new responsibilities facing the Democrats in Congress:

"The back seat drivers will finally have to go on record for what they think is the best course instead of always complaining that we just missed a turn."

That is too cool! Why can't I write great stuff like that?

Even in Defeat

Judging by the reactions I'm seeing from Republicans after losing control of both the House and Senate to Democrats, I have to say that even in defeat Republicans are showing much more class than the Democrats.

You know what I'm talking about. Six years later Democrats are still whining about the "stolen" election in 2000. (By the way, even liberal media outlets have proven that claim to be false time and again.) They're still crying about the 2004 election. Heck,
even BEFORE the 2006 election took place, the Democrats were claiming the Republicans were going to cheat and steal this one, too. By the way, what has come of those claims now that the Democrats have won?

But the absolute lowest thing the Democrats did, the most character-revealing thing, was to blame the voters themselves. They claimed the
American electorate was too stupid to know what was good for them. Red staters - you know, those of us that live in "fly over" country, the very heart of America! - could not understand the nuances of government and policy. You see, we need to be lorded over by the elite class, those who know better than we do what is right and fair and just - for our own good, of course.

Of course Republicans are tryinig to figure out what happened this year. Naturally there will be some
finger pointing and the blame game will be played. When you lose you're supposed to try to figure out what happened and correct the problems. That's the right thing to do.

But I haven't yet seen a Republican leader claim this year's election was stolen. I haven't yet heard a prominant Republican blame the media. And I certainly haven't heard Republicans blaming the voters.

Instead I see Republicans looking at themselves as the cause for their own defeat. God bless 'em. That is refreshing!

Check out Indiana Congressman
Mike Pence's letter to his Republican collegues announcing his intention to run for Republican Leader in the 110th Congress (HT: Red State). He blames no one for the Republican loss except Republicans themselvs. In fact, he acknowledges the wisdom of the American people for recognizing that Republicans have strayed from their "Contract with America".

Others are saying the same thing.
Fred Barnes and Hugh Hewitt agree. Many other pundits and politicians are singing the same tune as well.

That's class, folks. And it's encouraging. It tells me that Republicans may well learn their lesson from the American people and ammend their ways.

So even after a stinging defeat I'm encouraged. This is the way the system is supposed to work. This is what makes America great. Common, every day people like you and me (even us red-staters) can say to those in power in our government, "That's a load of crap! Throw the bums out!"

Not only can we say it, we can do it.

Only in America, folks. Only in America.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Evidently Not !

It's been a way too long since my last post. We're implementing major overhauls in our computer systems at work and I simply haven't had the time. I still don't have the time, but last night's election results demand comment.

My last post offered a generic campaign approach for Republicans to use this election cycle. The general idea was to ask the American public if, given the current situation, they don't think it wise to keep the "adults" in charge.

Evidently not!

Last night the American public all across the country SMACKED DOWN the Republicans.

As much as I hate the result - and I do! - I have to give credit to the Democrats for their victory. They relentlessly stayed on message. They were smart enough to run moderate and conservative candidates in most races. They framed the argument and, in the minds of most Americans, they won the argument.

That's the way our system is supposed to work.

I wish I had time for more commentary, but I have to get back to work.

Congratulations Democrats.

Learn your lessons, Republicans, and keep fighting the good fight.