Friday, April 27, 2007

You see, that's the problem!

Softball question from NBC's Brian Williams to Democratic Presidential candidates at last night's "debate":

What would you do if Al Qaeda successfully attacked two major American cities at the same time?

Part of Democratic "Superstar" Barack Husein Obama's response:

"... so that we can take potentially some action ..."

That, my friends, is exactly the problem with the Democratci Party today. Even in the friendliest of settings with a question specifically designed to grant the Democratic candidates a forum to showcase their toughness when it comes to national defense, the Democrats' annointed rock star can only muster the suggestion that he might POTENTIALLY take some action!

P. A. T. H. E. T. I. C.

(HT: Dean Barnett on Hugh Hewitt's blog)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

How long have we had conflict with Islamic Oppression?

You have to read this article by Christopher Hitchens!

Hitchens quotes President Madison:

'“It is a settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute. The United States, while they wish for war with no nation, will buy peace with none.”'

Monday, April 23, 2007

Stinging words for the MSM

Jack Kelly rips the Main Stream Media for their inexcusable exploitation of the Virginia Tech murders (HT: Hugh Hewitt).

Plain and Simple

And you thought Jeff Foxworthy was just a redneck commedian (HT: Hugh Hewitt).

At the 2007 CMT Country Music Awards, Foxworthy talks about why he loves Country Music.

Friday, April 20, 2007

More Repercussions for the MSM

Mike Gallagher, who, to his great credit refuses to acknowledge - or even name - the insane murderer at Virginia Teck, makes the argument that freedom to legally carry guns is the answer to ending mass murder by armed lunatics in this article at

That idea will certainly be debated - and attacked ferociously in the press - in the coming weeks and months. But Gallagher certainly speaks for me when he blasts NBC and the rest of the Main Stream Media.

Take this, NBC:

"Did you notice something about the videotape that NBC enthusiastically played over and over again in order to achieve their ratings victory Wednesday night on the Nightly News? The NBC logo, complete with the familiar peacock, was superimposed over the mass murderer’s image in the upper left hand corner so that every single media outlet that played it or printed it on the front page of the newspaper would be sure to give NBC a nice, juicy plug.

How ghastly.

Perhaps NBC could offer the next mass-killer-to-be a free NBC baseball cap or t-shirt that he can wear while videotaping himself killing a bunch of innocent people. That would be a promotional bonanza, too, eh? "

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mitt Romney on Professor Librescu

In a speach last night, Mitt Romney quoted something he had read on a website regarding the heroic Professor Liviu Librescu of Virginia Tech.

"Though not in height, he was in so many ways a man of stature. America is a nation of stature thanks to men like Professor Librescu."


Is anyone else focusing on this man's heroic sacrifice? You can bet a classroom full of students will never forget.

The Sickness that is the MSM

Once again the Main Stream Media misses the point - badly!

NBC makes the worst decision possible in airing the videotaped rantings of an evil lunatic. What do they hope to gain? Viewers? At what cost? The glorification of a madman and the likely encouragement of others to follow suit.


Didn't anyone stop to think that this might be a bad idea? This is exactly what the murderer wanted. Thanks to NBC and its willing accomplisses in the MSM, he got it.

Main Stream Media may be beyond help. The scoop on the scandalous, or better yet, shocking and horrific is their nirvana - so much so that any thoughtful reflection regarding the consequences of their own actions vanished decades ago.

Put this episode at the top of the very long "Shame on the Media" list.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Liviu Librescu - Update

Apparently no one else in Professor Librescu's room was killed.

He gave his life to save ALL of theirs. Incredible!

For all the negativity in the world today, Librescu is a shining example of the good that still exists. I encourage everyone to think about this man and his heroic act. Say a prayer for his family. And, while you're at it, ask the Lord to grant you at least a small portion of the spirit that was this man's life force.

Professor Librescu - Virginia Tech

It's been a long time since I posted on this blog. I've been very busy - too busy. And I really don't have time now. But I was so moved by the story of the 76 year old professor at Virginia Tech who sacrificed his life to save the lives of his students.

Liviu Librescu was a Holocaust survivor who was born in Romania. He blocked the door to keep the murderer out of his classroom while he told his students to flee. As they jumped out windows to safety, Professor Librescu was fatally shot while still blocking the door.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)

God bless Professor Librescu. May his sacrifice be an example to us all and a blessing to those he saved.

Here's a link to the Fox News website. Scroll down to the section on Professor Librescu. There is a link to a Fox News video report.