Friday, July 14, 2006

It's about 1948 not 1967

The current, coordinated attacks on Israel by two of its neighbors has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the Arab/Islamic world's fight with Israel has nothing to do with occupied territories or the plight of the Palestinian People. It has everhthing to do with Israel's right to exist as a nation on planet Earth.

According to Charles Krauthammer, that's what it's always been about.

The Arab/Islamic world has NEVER recognized Israel's right to exist as a nation. And they have ALWAYS plotted and fought to erase Israel from the face of the earth.

In 1948 Israel became a sovereign nation. Arabs/Islamics have tried ever since to destroy this new nation.

In 1967, in response to attacks from surrounding countries, Israel occupied the Gaza strip and Lebanon. Arabs/Islamics have used these occupations as a propoganda tool against Israel ever since. The West, unfortunately, has been gullible enough to take up this false cause.

Shame on us!

I agree with Michael Medved's articles here and here. We, the United States of America, have put one of our greatest allies, Israel, at great risk by pressuring them to negotiate away their security in hopes their maniacal neighbors would be appeased.

Did I say, Shame on us?

Now that every single occupation issue has been removed from the table (Israel has removed itself completely from all occupied territories), Arabs/Islamics now attack Israel from those very territories.

It is abundantly clear that Israeli occupation of Palestinian and Lebonese territories was never the issue.

Israeli existence is the issue.

That has always been the issue. It's time we realize this and act accordingly.

UPDATE: Betsy Newmark has more here.

UPDATE II: Carol Platt Liebau adds her thoughts here.