Friday, July 07, 2006

Suddenly Star Wars is Worth a Look

Wretchard wonders if North Korea has made a few believers - at least hopers - in Reagan's much maligned Strategic Defense Initiative.

Funny how Old Europe was all "America ain't so great" when they perceived the Big Bear we had protected them from for 50 years was no longer a threat (I always maintained that was the stupidest thing imaginable.). But now that some nut-with-nukes is taking target practice with long range missles, America suddenly seems like the good guys again.

I thought Europe was supposed to be the grown ups we were to emulate. Seems to me they act more like a fickle teenage girl. You never know what they want because they never know what they want. But they're definitely all about the preening!

You know what? I'm going to apologize for that comparison. Teenage girls have never been as fickle - or as preenish - as Old Europe!