Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Just Do It !

I created this blog over a year ago. This is my first actual post. How pathetic is that?!?!?

I thought I'd learn more about blogs before I jumped in. I thought I'd read and comment on other blogs to get my feet wet. Well, I've done some of that. But my goodness, it's been over a year.

Am I REALLY that much of a slacker? (Yes!)

I've read and commented on other blogs. But I haven't investigated how to blog on my own at all. I'm somewhat of a techno-tard (Is that a word? Can I "coin" it if it isn't?), so I have been and still am more than somewhat intimidated by the prospect. Besides, commenting on other blogs was so easy.

That's been the biggest problem. It's so easy to read other blogs. And it's so easy to comment on some blogs. Heck, I even got a "Hat Tip" credit on Carol Platt Liebau's blog once. Man, I felt like a celebrity or something! Why in the world should I do all the work of creating and maintaining my own blog when my skill and intellect can be recognized world wide via Carol's blog?

The other problem hits a lot closer to home. Reading all these blogs has shown me how many truly talented, intelligent, and thoughtful people there are in the world. Geez, there are so many great thinkers out there! How could I possibly add anything worth while? How could I possibly compete? Besides, so many of them seem to do so much research on each topic. I KNOW I can't compete with that! And so many of them are professionals in the particular area they choose to blog about. What am I an expert in???? (Nothing!)

But the more I posted comments on other blogs, the more I began to feel like I've been cheating. I've been using someone else's space to vent my feelings (That's all they are, afterall. I think I've already established I'm not an expert on anything.) But more importantly, I've been cheating myself. I've allowed someone else to determine which subjects I comment on. Sure, there's a certain set of current events and issues that a lot of people are going to want to comment on. But what about the issues I care about that don't get blogged very often? What about those unique perspectives I may have on today's hot topics?

OK, so there probably won't be a boat load of those unique perspectives comeing from me. But you never know.

A blog offers me my own personal space. I can write about whatever I want. I can explore my own thoughts. I can be serious or poke fun. I can jump from politics to sports to religion. It's my blog. I can do what I want with it!

When I first created this blog I expected my first post would be a "get-to-know-me" kind of thing. I thought I'd put together some well-organized, insightful, brilliant (of course!) autobiographical sketch that would make millions of people inistantly interested in everything I had to say. But instead, after over a year, I've decided to JUST DO IT! Whatever was on my mind as of a few minutes ago would make up the content of this historic first post.

I still have no idea what Fat Man's Corner will become. But I guess, for now, I could at least introduce myself and mention a few areas of my personal interest:

Hi, I'm Greg Helton. I'm from Ohio. But I've lived in Salyersville, KY for the past 21 years. The hills of Eastern Kentucky have been good to me. I have a beautiful, loving wife, three gorgeous children, and two perfect grandchildren (Yes. They. Are. Perfect!).

Pleased to meet you.


  • Politics - This is what introduced me to blogs in the first place
  • Family - I thoroughly enjoy mine!
  • Religion - Christian
  • Sports - Especially at the High School and College levels
  • Sports Officiating - I've been a referee/umpire for 10 years or so
  • Music - Raised on Country & Bluegrass, Came of age on Classic Rock, Love Contemporary Christian
  • Movies - When I have time, I enjoy many genres

Oh well, I can see the creative urge is petering out right about now (several minutes ago, actually). So I'll wrap it up.

This here's my blog. I have no idea what I'm gonna do with it. But it's mine and I love it already. I hope I'll be able to engage others with it as well as use it as therapy for myself.

Thanks and God bless,
