Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Senator Specter Wants to Sue President Bush!

As a staunch supporter of President Bush, I can see why many Republicans would be upset by this proposed legislation (HT: Sweetness & Light) by Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector.

But it doesn't really bother me.

I don't have a problem with the various branches of government challenging the authority - or alleged over-stepping of authority - of the other branches of government. That's what checks and balances are all about.

Some people are likely to get in a huff because of the timing. After all, we're in the middle of a war! But it's times like these when the issues of authority are most likely to be tested. What other times are you likely to have the President, the Congress, and the Courts struggling with issues concerning national security?

Besides, I think this particular episode shows the strength of the American experiment. We are confident enough in our present position and in our future that in the middle of World War III we do not shy away from constitutional challenges of authority.

In particular I think this shows the strength of the Republican Party. President Bush campaigned hard for Arlen Specter against the wishes of many conservatives in the Republican Party. Yet Specter still feels free - in his mind, obligated - to pursue such legislation.

Which is the Big Tent Party, again?