Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Israel gets it

Consider what the Iranians are saying about Israel.

Consider what the Iranians are doing to aquire nuclear weapons.

What would you do if you were responsible for the protection of Israeli citizens?

At least the Israeli Air Force Chief Major General, Eliezer Shkedy, understands the nature of the threat. Here is an excerpt from his interview with David Horovitz for the Jerusalem Post (HT: Hugh Hewitt) :

Let's change the subject: What can you tell us about Iran?

There are three indisputable aspects: Their leader, President Ahmadinejad, talks of the Jewish people and the State of Israel in terms that no other world leader would dare use.. You recall his conference on "The world without Zionism." Then he moved onto the Jews, to Israel.

Two, he is trying to develop capabilities to deliver his attacking capabilities - land-to-land missiles with ranges to reach central Europe, Russia, China, India, certainly Israel. Missiles from planes. Planes that can carry this weaponry.

Third, he is trying with all his might to reach a nuclear capability. There's no argument about his intentions. The nature of the centrifuges that he is producing is incontrovertibly not for peaceful purposes.

This combination of thinking, capability of delivery and nuclear weaponry can come to constitute an existential threat to Israel and the rest of the world. It is no coincidence that the president of the US speaks as he does about Iran, and other world leaders do, too. (Emphasis added)

At least Israel understands the threat. I'm convinced the rest of the world does, too. The sad fact is that, even with an understanding of the threat, some supposedly advanced nations refuse to support Israel's right to defend itself.

Thankfully, so far, the United States has stood firm with Israel. I hope we continue to do so regardless of what others might say. We simply cannot allow the desires of Islamic radicals to be fulfilled.