Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Just Move the Israelis to Europe, Right?


Michael Medved has a helpful article on Israel's rightful claim to the land they now call and have always called home. Read it. The Arabs' "historical claim" to the land postdates Israel's by a couple of eras. They didn't conquer the area until about 600 years AFTER the Romans destroyed Jerusalem.

Note the Medved article quotes a Princeton University scholar who in 1946 claimed "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not."

On the other hand, the article claims that King Herod used the term "Philistine Syria" to refer to the southern part of Syria. Romans later used the term "Palaestina" which became "Palestine" in English.

Perhaps the Princeton scholar was correct and "Philistine Syria" - Palestine - never was an autonomous country.

But one thing is certain from looking at both these articles. Jewish historical claims to the land go back much further than any Arab claims.

So what does that settle?

Nothing, except that it is ridiculous to claim that the source of the current troubles in the Middle East have anything to do with Israelis migrating to the area after World War II.